


MBA in Health Administration

Health Care Web


Dr. Anne Walsh
Associate Professor,
Healthcare Administration

College Hall 300 E

D.S.W University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
M. B.A. La Salle University, Philadelphia,, Pennsylvania
M.S.W. Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
B.S.W. Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Areas of Expertise
Dr. Walsh specializes in the area of strategic management as well as health policy and management. Her research has been published in the Journal of Applied Business Research, Journal of Healthcare Management, Journal of Health and Social Policy and Health Care Management Review. Dr. Walsh teaches courses in both strategic management and health care management at La Salle University.

Professional activities
Dr. Walsh is currently on the Editorial board of Health Administration Press and is current Chair of the Health Administration Division of AEEP. She is the past Chair of the Management Division of the Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management and is a current reviewer for both Health Care Management Review and the Journal of Healthcare Management. Dr. Walsh is a Board Member of the American College of Health Executives (Southeast Division). Recent consulting activities in the non-profit and health care sectors have include the Y.W. C. A. of Germantown, Liberty Resources, Manor Junior College and Wilmington College.