Goethe, Color Theory & Chaos
A set of links to accompany the presentation to the students of
Richard A. DiDio, La Salle University, May 2003

Color Theory & Chaos - PowerPoint show
Goethe & Color Theory
- A Goethe
biography A very thorough biography. Part of the World Roots Geneology
Archive by Brigitte Castel Lloyd
- Goethe's
Theory of Color A Physics Today article that describes the burgeoning
admiration of Goethe's vs. Newton's theory of colors. Contains some nice figures
(be sure to click on the Figure links to see the full figures) as well as
a description of Edwin Land's work on color.
- Goethe
Quotes "The highest problem of any art is to cause by appearance
the illusion of a higher reality" and many more!
- Goethe
Color Triangle: a nice interactive applet that tests your ability to mix
- A
Tribute to Goethe: From The Rational Argumentator, an on-line journal,
this article is "A biography and ideological analysis by G. Stolyarov
II of a magnificent dilletante, a poet, scientist, journalist, dramatist,
novelist, and Enlightenment thinker who was an integral father of the Western
- Goethe,
Wittgenstein, and the Essence of Color An analysis of Wittgesteins's aceptance
of Goethe's arguments with Newton, but his concern with Goethe's logic and
phenomenological analysis. (From Ludwig Wittgenstein Online by William
L. Kernan)
- Goethe's
Theory of Colors Reconsidered A brief blurb announcing the resurgence
in consideration of Goethe's theory of color. (From the Federation of American
Scientists Project on Government Secrecy)
- Cultural
Economics: Shadows in the Age of Reason Primarily a discussion of the
emerging needs for transdisciplinary arts research and its lack of place within
the university, this article uses Goethe's argument with Newton as an archetypal
situation of the need for subjectivity within scientific analysis. (From the
Compiler Press ' Cultural Economics series - The Collected Works of Harry
Hillman Chartrand )
- Aspects
of Color "aesthetic, psychological, physiological, associative, symbolic"
treatment of color, with many referecnes to Goethe's work(Frank Vodvarka,
Loyola Univ. Chicago)
- Goethean
Science: Bringing CHAOS To ORDER By Looking Phenomena Right In The "I"
A physicicst's impassioned plea for the type of insight made possible
by the subjective component a la Goethe (by Tom Mellett , Vanderbilt University
- What
is Goethean Science? From the Awakenings page of David Eye, Goethean Science
is "A spiritual understanding of nature on the basis of Goethe's method
of training observation and thought"
- The Chaos Hypertextbook.
A bit mathematical, this site is perhaps more helpful becaue contains an enormous
number of links to print, internet, and software resources at all levels.
Hightly recommended (By Glenn Elert)
Art & Fractals