HON 462 - Chaos and Fractals

Spring 2003


M, W  3:30 – 4:45 O-107 + O-200 Computer Lab

Dr. Richard Di Dio

215.951.1132 (Fax)

Office Hours
Mon, Wed 10-11
Tues 9:30- 11:30
Fri 10 –12 or by appointment

Electronic Communication

Intro & Objectives

This course is an exploration of the absolutely thriving fields of ‘Chaos’ & ‘Fractals’ or, in somewhat more sobering terms, ‘Non-Linear Dynamical Systems’ and ‘Surfaces with non-Integer Hausdorff Dimension’.  The approach will consist of a (non-linear) combination of empirical observations, computer simulations, and mathematical derivations, coupled with readings ranging from popularizations to original texts.

Student experimentation, hypothesis making, discussion, and writing will be emphasized by a course grade based on participation, journal keeping, computer experimentation, and a major research paper/project.  A major goal is that students gain an awareness of the new ways in which ‘chaotic/fractal’ analysis may be used to model real-world situations that in the past have seemed random, and hence intractable.  It is especially hoped that this course will prepare students for further, in-depth reading and research into the uncountably diverse facets of chaos and fractal theory and applications, particularly within their specific fields of study.



Students are required to keep a journal in which outlines, handouts, comments, questions, queasy feelings, and personal responses to these readings are kept. The journal will also be the location of any notes/work connected with outside readings or personal research into your final project.  The journals will be periodically reviewed, but not graded.  Rather, the journals will be used as sources for class discussion.  Carry them with you at all times.

Final Thoughts I Wish I Had Said

The fact that we can describe the motions of the world using Newtonian mechanics tells us nothing about the world.  The fact that we do, does tell us something about the world. -Ludwig Wittgenstein

Only by taking an infinitesimally small unit for observation (the differential of history, that is, the individual tendencies of men) and attaining to the art of integrating them (that is, finding the sum of these infinitesimals) can we hope to arrive at the laws of history. - Leo Tolstoy

There ought to be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe and what can be more special than the condition that there is no boundary.  - S. W. Hawking

Weird, wacky stuff... Anon. 462 student,’91, ’93,’95, ’97


Maximally Over-Ambitious Syllabus 

NOTE:  The topics listed below will not be covered in a linear fashion!

0.   Intro to Dynamical Systems

1.   Self-Similarity, Fractals, and Geometrical Complexity

2.   The Differential Equation Paradigm

3.   The Iterated Map Paradigm
4.   The Real World
5.   The Complex World